Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Truth........ What is truth, exactly? Is it a few words that you say, and people believe you? Is it a proclamation of what really happened? What about something you read? Is it non-fiction books that you pick up from the library? What is really truth?

I'm sure most of you would say," It's the Bible", but what if there is more than that? What if there is something within the Bible that makes it become the Truth. Here's a verse that will back up what I'm saying.

John 8:32 says," You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

What do you see when you read this verse? Notice that it says ,"the truth will set you free" not ,"the truth will guide you to freedom". If " Truth" was just a group of words that you can read, then it wouldn't be able to do an actions such as "set" you to freedom; it would only be able to guide you to the right path.

Hebrews 4:12 says," For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any double-edged sword, piercing until it divides soul and spirit, joints and marrow, as it judges the thoughts and purposes of the heart."

If the Bible is living and active, it must have something behind it that makes a book become a living thing. Now that we now that the Bible is alive, let's figure out how it is alive.

John 1:1 says ," In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

It says here that the Bible is God. (I know it's in past tense, but if the Bible was God, then the Bible is still God.) So we now know that the Bible is God, so that is what makes the Bible living and active to give us the Truth.

You're probably thinking ," You didn't even tell me what Truth is yet. So what is it?"

........This is the cool part...........

John 14:6 says this: Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

Jesus said that he is the truth. Since he is the truth, what if the "Truth" isn't a thing or a couple of words. What if the Truth is too complicated to be said in a book. Maybe something that can't be confined into simple words.

.............What if the Truth could actually be alive?

Truth is so complicated that it isn't a book or a few words that will change your life. It's like a DNA. I can't write out a DNA for you. It's way too complicated. The Truth is a living Spirit. The Truth is an example. Jesus is the Truth. The Truth is Jesus.

God didn't make Love, Truth, or anything like that. He IS those things. God IS love, IS truth, and IS everything good. When He created the earth and us, His truth and love came upon His works, which is us as the people.

So when He created the Bible, the Bible became Him, and with that, all the Love and Truth you ever need will be in God's teachings, which is in that book, That Living Book Of God The Father!!!!!!

So to get closer to God, don't you think we should read the book that is actually a part of His soul? We should read the Word of God as often as we can, so we can get closer and closer to the one who lives in us. Then the Spirit of Truth and Love will overflow from us and spread (after all, it is alive) to all the people around us!!! How great is that!!!!!!!!

I pray that you have a blessed week, and that God will reveal Himself to you through His word. In Jesus' name, Amen.

1 comment:

Randy said...

Notice in John 8:32, that it is the truth that you KNOW that sets you free. It is like dying of thirst and having a glass of water right there, if you don't reach out and "experience" that water, you will still die. The truth is there, but we have to get to KNOW Him.

Great Job